Mom's Homemade

IMAGE: Mom's Homemade style salsa is now available in Manitoba, at Kroeker Farms' The Potato Store in Winkler. (Courtesy The Potato Store)

We’re so excited to break into Manitoba at Kroeker Farms in Winkler

We’ve hit a couple of milestones in recent weeks … topping 40 vendors and breaking into our third province with the addition of Kroeker Farms in Winkler, Man. to our retail network.

And we couldn’t be more excited. The folks at Kroeker had been searching for a wholesome, flavourful salsa for the shelves of their farm market for some time. They found out about Mom’s through some internet searches, did a bit more research and then approached us earlier this year, asking for some samples.

We were more than happy to oblige, and a few of the distinctive purple-labelled jars went west (well, west of Ottawa, anyway) for them to try. It seems they loved the salsa, because we soon got an order for the first shipment of Mom’s to their family-owned The Potato Store at 776 Circle K Drive in Winkler.

“Wait”, you say … “The Potato Store?” Yes, the Kroekers operate a large farming operation in Winkler, growing and selling their potatoes and onions through their own store as well as to other local retailers right up to major food producers such as Naleway Foods, the largest perogie processor in Canada. The Potato Store offers their products, fresh products from other local farms and businesses and, now, Mom’s Homemade style salsa.

Their motto is “Immer Besser” which translates to “Always Better”. We kind of like that, because our own family creed is to supply you with the best tasting salsa for your family’s table.

BTW … in case you hadn’t thought of this, try some salsa with a Mexican-style baked potato! Super yummy … salsa, some nacho blend cheese, perhaps some cilantro, chopped green onions, sour cream, maybe a wee bit of spiced beef … just heavenly! (Stand by, we’ll be posting a recipe for this very soon…)

One interesting factor in a partnership such as this is the distance we must ship Mom’s, in relatively small quantities, to get the product to Winkler. But where there’s a will, there’s a way, and we worked together to make arrangements for the 2,100-kilometre shipment.

If you’re in the Winkler area, or have trekked down to Kroeker Farms from the Winnipeg region (it’s about an hour north), and tried Mom’s salsa we’d LOVE to hear from you. Please feel free to drop us a line with your thoughts via Instagram (@moms_homemade_salsa_) or on our Facebook page. We’d be happy to reply!

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