Mom's Homemade

Enjoy authentic Italian cuisine

Aliquam viverra justo sit amet massa blandit, eget vestibulum dolor sollicitudin. Pellentesque a eleifend magna. Morbi hendrerit porta interdum. Sed ac egestas lorem, quis vulputate metus. Curabitur vel luctus orci, nec maximus dui. Vivamus justo leo, tristique imperdiet augue at, hendrerit tincidunt nibh. Aliquam vitae consectetur ex, id sollicitudin nisi. Phasellus vitae quam a velit vulputate euismod. Sed ante ligula, …

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Some thoughts about being ‘Homemade’

We had an interesting conversation recently with someone about Mom’s Homemade. In fact, the conversation focused mainly on the “Homemade” part, so in the interests of being completely fair and open, we thought we should explain a few things. Due to Canada’s food and health regulations which keep us all safe, it’s very difficult anymore to sell any food product …

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Mom’s Homemade Hot Salsa now available

We found ghost peppers, we found ghost peppers! And so, Mom’s Homemade Hot salsa is now available at all the locations with one exception, the Perth Cheese Shop which carries our Regular and Medium blends. WARNING: Lots of people call their products “Hot”. We don’t know what it actually registers on the Scoville Scale (go ahead, Google it, it’s a …

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